today is the last day of year 2009.
what was my achievement this year? what was the best moment i can share to everybody this year? what have i done actually?.. anything?.. nothing??.. yup. nothing i can say actually about year 2009. put in in a simple word, nothing worthy to say.
my life, for the past 2 years was like the world economy. why do i say that?.. because for the past 2 years things had gone from bad to worse (the americans started it. blame them). a lot of countries was and some still is, in recession. a lot of people become jobless. people said (well, actually, the government said) in 2009 the economy will get better, will improve and everything will be fine.. what a load of bullshit! and crap are all over the place!.. the truth the economy is not getting better. a LOT of people are still jobless. a lot of false hope. a lot of sadness. well, my life was sort of like that. not exactly but more or less similar in concept.
but suddenly. out of nowhere. i saw lights at the end of the tunnel. not much but enough for me believe that hope is not lost, at a time where hope seems to i was stunned and confused myself. but i'm more thankful than ever. i felt bless. i feel a bit shame. because i a bad man. but Allah still helps me even i'm a baaaaad person.
honestly, i can't wait for this year to end and for 2010 to start! a little bit nervous because i don't know what will happen BUT i can't wait to start afresh! starting next year i am like a new born baby.. err.. maybe more like a fresh grad la. more suitable.. =) shit, i'm so nervous and a little afraid la pulak. damn..
i pray to Allah that starting next year, hopefully, everything will be for the better. i mean no more economy downturn. i know there will be ups and downs also but i hope that history would not repeat itself again.
this is it. a new beginning. a new challenge. a new life. a new hope.
i also want to wish everybody a Happy New Year! may Allah bless all of you with happiness.
2009?.. Selamat Tinggal..
Hari Ini Birthday Aku!..
yes.. "welcome to the club!".. as they always say.. what club?.. some say 3-series club (among friends la mostly).
so without further a due. today. i celebrate my 30th birthday. so that means, i am now, 30 years old!.. hehehe.
gosh, the number has changed.. and coincidentally my life has just begun. fate. maybe. but i am thankful to Allah.
Labels: birthday
Aku Kehilangan Lagi Seorang Sahabat.
the same question i thought i had left behind suddenly came knocking again. i'm happy but sad at the same time. in 2 days time a good friend will tie the knot and i'm so happy for him. but deep down i will miss him very much.
things will be different of course. we have been friends for 9 years, housemates for 5 year. been together for ups n downs.
i'm just sad. and i felt so lonely. lots of people left me.
Aku Dah Tak Ada Rumah.. Waaaa!!...
yup.. today i'm officially homeless. no.. really.. i AM homeless. means i do not live in a-rented-home-that-i-paid-monthly-anymore home..
after 6 years or so, i finally moved out today. really i didnt feel to much sadness but deep down i do feel somewhat a bit sad. the longest rented house i've lived in since i came to this big city. overall i had lived in 6 houses. this being my longest.
why i dont just rent another house or a room?.. well, something happened and the current situation forbids me to even rent a room. why?.. cant tell right now. we'll see what happens within the next few weeks and maaaybe i'll tell. it all depends..
right this moment i really want to share about the memories i went through. all the good, the bad, the happy or the sad, while i was staying there. everything are passing through my head right now. but, again, maybe not today.
but one thing i want to share today is that i've just noticed that i've become less emotionally attached to.. emm.. things around me.. not sure if its a good or a bad thing.. for instance, my current (or should i say, my ex-current) house. 6 years was not a short span of time. that house was filled with memories that i just could let it go away. a lot of significant events, some even became the turning point of my life, happened while i lived there.. if its the old me, i may have shed a tears already. but the new me prevent it from happening.
i dont know. i sensed that my heart is not as soft as it used to be. the 'love' factor is much less than before. maybe i've become a more harden person that i used to..
really hope that love is not gone. because a heart with no love is like a cake with no sugar in it. sure nobody wants to want it. let alone eat it..
Labels: feel
Pergh.. Lama Gilos Tak Blog
my last entry: 5th october.
today: 29th november.
wow.. it has been a while eh. hmm.. i have my 'assorted' reasons. one of which, of course, ones laziness. there is also the laptop malfunction thingy. then the going-to-cc budget also. yada yada..
so it felt nice to post something after a while hibernating. nearly 2 month absent means a lot of things had happened. but yet again, time and money (especially the later) are my biggest let down right now. maybe not today.
Labels: everyday
Mari Belajar Ilmu Hisab
if there was 89 vacancies in a particular government agency while there were 1759 candidates. what was the probability that 1 candidate would secure the job?
you divide 89 by 1759. then you times 100. so the answer is 5.o6%.
so the probability of that 1 person getting that precious job vacancy is only 5.06%.
wait! that percentage is only valid if.. and only if the interviewer was totally by the book.
naaaah!!.. i don't think so.
so let see.. from that 89, half would probably had been 'reserved'. sedara, adik, kakak, abang, kawan bapak, cucu dato', cicit datin bla bla.. alah, you know what i mean.
so when you calculated the new figure, the new probability would be 2.53%..
2.53% out of 100%..
Labels: everyday
Alexa - Dewi
Alexa - Dewi
Ku tanamkan hatiku tumbuh bersamamu
Tak 'kan ku petik hingga akhir masa hidupku
Dengarlah kau dengar
Selama bumi berputar
Ku tetap milikmu
Dewi bukalah ke dua matamu
Pandanglah ruang di hatiku
Dewi berikan nafasmu untukku
Agar ku hidup bersamamu.. bersamamu terus bersamamu
Back to [*]
Back to Reff: 2x
Bersamamu terus bersamamu 2x
Labels: lyric , music video
Raya & Jejak Kasih
today is 12th syawal. some people say raya is for a month so its the 12 day of raya lah. for some raya only lasted for a week. it really means "aku dah malas nak hidang kuih ngan air. kite lepak kat kedai mamak je kalau nak minum-minum". understandable.
so how did it go?.. for me, well, slightly different from last year although much or less it was the same. i'm sad and happy.
sad because once again i didn't feel the raya spirit again.. same as last year i have no emotion what so ever when i kissed my parent's hand while asking for forgiveness. no sadness no nothing. hmm, i did felt a bit sad la but no tears flowing. just a sense of guilt of not being a good son.
happy because this year i met a few of my long lost friend! a sort of like 'compensation' for my dull raya. and also for the 1st time in so many years i had other friends visiting other than mr. fareed, my good friend.
shanty pero. nice meeting you. my secondary schoolmate. met her by chance. i was attending my booth at the ramadhan bazar (i'm a temporary salesman selling shoes and shirts.. remember?) and there she was standing in front of me. aku pun tegur la. she was bit suprised (hey, who wouldn't right?).
lost meter: 15 years
constantine, roger laping and a friend if theirs *sorry forgot your name bro*. thank you so much for coming both are my schoolmates.
shamsudin, ita (wife). 1st raya with wifey. really appreciate it for visiting with your parent. and for our unimas sighseeing. it was so fun! nearly trapped inside because they closed the campus gates.. hehe..
lost meter: a few month.
*p/s: din is not actually a long lost friend. we've been seeing each other in kl but its been a while since he visited me for raya.*
reza-rizvy. thanks for coming bro. he was my junior in primary school. and that day when he came, he offered me to go beraya. so i joined him la because i had nothing to do. from then on we visited 6 houses. none i knew what so ever because all are his friends. he send me back at midnight! and he drive like mad!! i think he was imagining he drove a ferarri or an f1 car or something. at one point i was fcuking scared. damn!.. haha.. but it was fun though.. =)
azmin and ayu akida. great meeting you guys. i went to visit their house. both husband and wife, are my friends. ayu (wifey) was my classmate at smkbl while azmin was my neighbour during my matriculation days in chermai jaya. love blossom during those time and i'm proud to say that i played a part in the match making process.. =) now they have a wonderful family along with 3 beautiful kids.
nurhidayati. currently holds the record of my longest long lost friend. my secondary scoolmate. last seen in form 1. she transfered to other school the next year. met her in a very strange place-at a parking lot in at tabuan jaya business area, at night, when all the shops already closed!.. haha.. met for only 10-15 minutes but it was worth it. thanks dear.
lost meter: 17 years!
fareed ngok ngek. every year ko datang. tapi i still want to express my epreciation to you. thanks dude!
lost meter: not lost
Alahai.. Apa Lah Nasib Aku..
currently i'm in a very sad mood. because my laptop rosak.
yesterday while i was surfing, suddenly the screen turn blank and it shuts down. i restarted it and the screen still turn out blank..
the power light was on, the hard disk light was also blinking. so did the wifi and the bluetooth lights. but the damn screen shows nothing. only a blank black screen..
i'm using my sisters's laptop right now.
sigh! :(
felt like my life turns dark too. blank. empty. because i can't live without it. it is my life! went to consult a friend. he said he wasn't sure. but maybe the hard disk rosak...
hard disk rosak?! oh my God..
i don't mind other hardware malfuntioning but NOT the hard disk! i stored a lot of things in there. most of it i don't have any copies. don't mind about other things but my photos and pictures. gosh.. my photo collections. my time machine. my memories. it's priceless. and i may end up losing all of it.. gone..
sad. so sad. i just feel wanna cry right now..
Labels: bad
Salam Di Pagi Aidilfitri - 1430H/2009
selamat tinggal Ramadhan. selamat datang Aidilfitri.
tiba masanya untuk bulan ramadhan meninggalkan kita. manakala bulan syawal pula kembali menjelma. sebagai ganjaran Allah meraikan perjuangan, pengorbanan, ketakwaan orang-orang yang beriman dan kepada sesiapa yang sentiasa menurut perintah Nya. entah mengapa aku terasa sedikit sedih. sedih meninggalkan ramadhan yg begitu mulia. mungkin aku risau kan ibadah aku. aku sangat berharap ibadah aku disepanjang bulan ramadhan akan diterima Allah s.w.t. kalau tak banyak sikit pun aku bersyukur.
i love hari raya. but at the same time i hate it too. macam mane pulak tu?.. hmm.. i love the feeling of pagi raya or the 1st day of raya. happiness is everywhere. you can feel it. perasaan tu kita tak boleh gambarkan tapi kita terasa gembira yang lain dari gembira hari biasa. it is just... so different.. i'm sure you know what i mean.
hate? it is because or the memories it brings with it. past through my head like streaming water. so much to remember. so much to bear. can't handle it sometimes. the sweetness. yes. the sweetness is making me sad.
kenangan. kegembiraan lalu membuatkan aku lemah untuk menghadapi aidilfitri. aku kalau boleh tidak mahu mengingatinya. tapi apa kan daya. aku tidak mampu menahan kenangan manis - bukan pahit - yang datang tanpa henti. menusuk terus ke hati. aku juga pasrah dan terpaksa juga mengharungi nya.
pilu. rasa yang menyelubungi aku di pagi raya. ketika takbir berkumandang. entah kenapa irama takbir hari raya sangat memilukan. saban tahun. tahun ini juga tidak ketinggalan. cuma ia semakin menusuk hati ini. membuatkan aku terasa begitu lemah.
kegembiraan. itu yang aku doakan kepada semua orang. menyambut hari raya dengan tawa riang, tiada tangisan. hanya tangisan kegembiraan, tangisan keinsafan dan tangisan memaafkan. itu yang sepatutnya dirasakan setiap insan bukan? mungkin aku salah. dan aku tahu ada juga manusia yang tidak gembira bila di hari raya. tapi aku tetap mendoakan semoga mereka akan merasa juga nikmat gembira di hari raya suatu hari nanti.
kemaafan. itu yang aku harapkan. daripada semua insan yang pernah aku kenali. jika di izinkan, ingin aku cium tangan mereka semua. kecil, besar, tua malah muda sekalipun. aku tidak mengharapkan balasan apa-apa. aku cuma inginkan mereka semua memaafi aku dengan hati yang ikhlas juga. itu sahaja.
di pagi yang mulia ini, aku juga ingin mengambil kesempatan, untuk menghulur tangan dan jari ku memberi salam. meminta keampunan dan kemaafan dari sekalian insan yang mengenali diri ini. tidak kira yang sudah lama atau baru sahaja mengenali aku. sekali lagi aku katakan, ia datang dari dalam lubuk hati yang ikhlas. halalkan makan minum aku. halalkan hutang-hutang aku jika ada yang sudi. tuntutlah dari aku jika aku terlupa.
sememangnya aku juga sedang belajar. belajar untuk memaafi. tiada yang sempurna di dunia ini.
akhir kata, sambutlah salam sayang dari ku di pagi aidilfitri ini.
Cukup Seh..
i did it this year. completed my terawih every night. well, some nights i did 8. some i did 20. some did 8 first berjemaah then continued the rest at home. a few nights did 20 at home. a few nights i did only 8 at home. including tonight.
because i was so tired. i was very tak larat. but nevertheless managed to terawih after arrived at home at 3am!
today *morning* i have to get up early. help my family first. help my family cleaned up the house or do whatever is necessary. then at around 1pm or 2pm have to go start work again at the bazaar. last day of puasa. konfem ramai org!.. aaarghh!.. gonna be super duper tired. because we have to pack everything and simpan. estimated completion time - 3am!.. aaarrgghh! di pagi raya plak tuh.. :(
Penat Macam Nak Patah Pinggang
extremely tired!
i was working yesterday.. yup. you herd me right. =) i'm back in kuching and yesterday i started helping with my ipar at the bazaar ramadhan selling shoes n t-shirts. to name a few. i was there at around 11am++ and finished worked around maybe 1am++. that was around 14 hours or work! i have 2 more days here. sigh! i'm a salesman once more.. haha!
i brings back memories while i working at the supermarket days. working from 9.30am until 11pm or 12am. it has been a long time since i felt the same tiredness. extreme tiredness. felt like my hips were dislocated.. =)
just wants to earn extra money and also wanted to feel what it is like to be a bazaar trader. and i got to taste it yesterday. first hand! boy what an experience it was! i enjoyed it every bit. even the tiredness ;)
now i'm back at the one of the stall (they have 2 stalls). my turn to stay on guard for the night. yes, i'm actually sleeping at the bazaar!.. it's gonna be a loooooong day today. and tomorrow.
p/s: still managed to do terawih albeit on my own while i was at home just now to take a few things. including my notebook. hehe.. 1 more terawih night to go!
Puasa Di Selekoh Terakhir
pejam celik.. pejam celik.. aik, 3 more days left to fast!
3 more days and ramadhan is over. gosh.. how time fly. and i'm back to my hometown. home sweet home they say. a place of serene and peace.
so far this years ramadhan i did quite good in the terawih department. yup.. very good actually. i haven't miss a day. either berjemaah or sendirian kat bilik. either 8 or 20 rakaat.. yet.. BUT.. it may come to a halt starting tomorrow. because starting tomorrow i will be helping my in-law selling some stuff at a bazaar. and i may be required to stay for the night a.k.a sleep there.. i was determine to complete it this year. its just gonna be 2 more nights left!..
we will see la how it goes. aku nak jugak!. tak kira! lagi 2 malam ni.. ishk!.. i'll do it at the booth la kot after most of them are asleep. but the manner in which how would i do it remains uncertain. hmm..
i also can't wait to meet my long lost friends. if not everyone, meeting some of them is good enough. can't believe some still remember me even it has been like.. nearly 17 or 18 years since primary school! one other instances, i met *or date. she said date* a new acquaintance only once *a friend of a classmate in maktab* but she still remembers me now. and that meeting *or date* was way back in 1995-96.. she reckon it was the best ever. ya right.. with a few other classmates tagging along.. hahaha.. those were the days.. =)
some of my ex-colleagues during my jusco days -for those who work (group A)- starts their full shift beginning today. for those who are on leave (group B) - starts their holiday today.
and it was more tiring in 2007 *my 2nd time working during raya* because i was the ONLY section leader working on that day. luckily there were also six management trainees (5 of them manage other dept. their section leader were on holiday la. mane lagi..) working. plus my line manager and our selling floor assistant manager. *both were non-muslim so they were not in any group*.
really miss those days though. even sometimes the tiredness was unbearable but there were some things we just can't forget. the happy moments in life. wish i could feel it again.
i have to sleep early because i have to wake up early tomorrow..err..i mean today. but.. i am just not sleepy yet.. ish.. i'm very the dead meat.
09.09.09...Dan Selamat Hari Jadi Mohamad Ridzuan
today is Mohamad Ridzuan Madin's birthday. his birthday also coincide with the special date 9th september 2009 or 09.09.09!
me likey no. 9.. because.. well, it's so obvious.. duh!.. =P
just want to wish him all the best in life and also wish all your dreams come true bro. may Allah bless you always.
last year i had an entry on 08.08.08. this year 09.09.09. and hopefully next year on 10.10.10. why? nothing specific. just don't want to be left out on the a-few-thousand-year-only-happened-once thingy. =)
well, same as last year. this year all the sami's, father's, maybe tok kadi's must be very very busy today. ye la, a lot of people wouldn't want to miss this special date as an anniversary date. i had read in the newspaper *can't remember when* there would be a mass buddhist wedding today somewhere in malaysia.
the chinese believed number 9 has an auspicious meaning. the same goes to number 6 and 8. number 9 is a homophone/homonym of the word for 'longlasting' or 'everlasting'. so as such is often used in wedding. thus the mass wedding taken place today. i read it was like hundreds of couples! it also signifies friendship, love and long lives.
for me. no specific meaning. just love the number because..well, i was born on the 9th.. =)
Labels: birthday , everyday , friends , video clip
Sepatutnya Tak Boleh.. Tapi Ada Je?..
yesterday while i was traveling, my mind wonders a bit.
then it hit me.
Rasulullah s.a.w once said:
“Seorang wanita itu dinikahi kerana empat; kerana hartanya, kerana keturunannya, kerana kecantikkannya dan kerana agamanya. Maka hendaklah kamu mengutamakan yang beragama, nescaya kamu berbahagia.”, Sahih Muslim, #2661
then you must've heard the term,
"perempuan baik untuk lelaki baik" and vice versa.
so it's clear then. if you are a bad person you'll get a bad person too la kan.
but.. what if that person is not what he was before? what if he's a change person and he work very hard to be a good person?.. then what?
what happened if this change person is attracted to a good person? and he now realized that the person he attracted to can guide him to be a more better person. especially in the religious side. he believe this person can help him to be a better muslim. so, my question is, can he 'get' that good person?
what i'm trying to say is he's attracted to her, one of the reason is, kerana agamanya.
Nabi suruh cari pasangan kerana agamanya. he found her but the problem is he's not a 'good' person before. so how can a with a bad track record cari pasangan kerana agama because konfem lah tak dapat? yes?
why? because it refers back too the second statement. in another words, it means "perempuan baik BUKAN untuk lelaki tak baik". so a bad person can NOT pick a religiously-savvy couple because even if he wants too.. he just can't have, won't get them.. yes?
but why?..
so what can he do then?..
well, he just pray everyday in the hope that God forgive his sins.. past, present, future..
Labels: feel
Rasa Tak Best
why ah? you get this uneasy feeling and it followed you the whole day. this uneasiness is really bugging me the whole day. and it really sucks!
me: the answer is 'socialize'.
people: what the heck?.. what are you talking about?
me: i mean the answer to my uneasiness is 'socialize'.
people: ??..
ok. let me explain. i am a very social person. woo.. hold on there.. not 'that' kind of social. what i meant was i need friends to talk with, hang out, lepak. you know.. socialize. it's like my mojo la. i can't be alone by myself for a certain period of time. i need a dose of laughter, sarcasm, humor, politic, sports, issues or anything la senang. i need my friends. i need a whole bunch of them!
that's the problem. i ain't got a lot.
it has been a few days and its killing me. tried to arrange one today but they couldn't come. dang!
well, i do have my housemate though but i see him almost every day and i'm out of idea on how to make fun of him or pissed him. =P
i am a lively person. with the right bunch of people i am very huru hara. senang cerita, i like to have fun. because it makes me forget. forget what?.. forget a lot of things la.. hish!.. i need to have a good time.
i need it bad!.. aaaargghh!
hmm.. i'm also wondering about someone. how are you today?
Sami Yusuf - Asma Allah
i'm not a very religious person and this entry might be somewhat different from the usual.
BUT i just couldn't help it. this song by sami yusuf really caught my ears *and eyes la of course because it is a music video..duh =)*. it was shared by a friend through fb.
it's awesome dude! *huh.. sungguh tidak religious nye ayat inih*
Labels: music video , religious
Selamat Hari Jadi Cik Z
just want to wish you Happy Birthday. May your all of your dreams come true. Just remember, wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. =)
Labels: birthday
Siapa Yang Sempurna?
to human is to err?yet when to err is human. repercussion is severe.
truth been toldwhen truth hurts it shatters belief and trust. making things less comprehensible yet undeniably true.
what matters most is how to endure and not rationalizing it all. as it goes beyond logic when it comes to the matter of the heart.. trust, belief, habit, anger, desperation, anticipation, love.
the senses that makes us feel.. HUMAN.
i am imperfect. i know.
but i never stop trying to be a better person. i know i could never pleased everybody. but i'm not taking everything for granted either. i've made sacrifices before and i will gladly do it again if necessary.
sometimes.. a sincere heart knows no boundaries, distance nor time. you can only hope your sacrifice will stay in their heart and will always be remembered.
Labels: feel
Brrpp.. Alhamdulillah..
see the pic on your right?
that was my juadah berbuka puasa.. hehe.. ;)
it wasn't much but enough la for me. thankfully my housemate got back home so we break fasting together-gether la.. and i also ate 1 curry puff@karipap ajak gave. btw, i'm lucky he was at home because his fiancee balik kampung. if not pun i break fast alone gak.
1st day of fasting. so far so good.
Labels: ramadhan
Ramadhan Al-Mubarak 1430 Hijrah
today is.. 1st ramadhan 1430H.
it's the time of the year again. the holly month. when muslims around the world fast from dawn until the sun sets. fasting is meant to teach all muslims patience, modesty and spirituality. so all you guys, ready or not *you have no choice* must practice self-refrains from putting any sorts of food into your mouth, chew it n swallow it!.. saya ulangi refrain, tahan, kekang, hindar etc.. ada paham?..
for me, ramadhan month is also like a time machine. because it brings back memories. fond memories during my.. err.. heyday!.. haha..
even if it was years back. i could still remember it like yesterday. the good times. work, friends, loved ones, life as a whole.. ahh.. i can still smell the happiness. life was good at that time. break fast together at work in our backroom or at nearby mamak and there was nobody attending the selling floor!.. haha :) i smile a lot those days.
that was years back.
this year..well.. doesn't aspect it to be much different from last year.
one particular funny thing happened after sahur. it made me laugh and really smile from ear to ear.. hahaha.. pagi-pagi subuh dah wat lawak. 1st day pose lak tuh.. ;))
aku ngantok jadi cerah mate tergelak.. :) see what i mean? she is really something isn't she.. ;)
i really don't care anymore, thinking about what to buy or what to eat for breaking fast. just don't have the excitement anymore. entah-entah i break fast alone today, the 1st day of ramadhan.. huhu.. *because ajak just left to fetch his sis and going to the bazaar*.
but actually i am also thankful. i'm hoping this ramadhan i would smile often... *often, not everytime eh*.. why? ade laaa!.. mane leh g tau!.. abis semua nak suap.. ceh.
last but not least, i would like to take this opportunity to wish my family, friends and all muslims in the world selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan. i pray that all the good deeds we do or did in this holly month will always be blessed by Allah.
ramadhan month is not only a time of worshiping the Al-Mighty, but also a time of reflection. i wish all of you a very good fasting month and always remember... patience is a virtue.. :)
Labels: ramadhan
Mengagumi Seseorang
ever heard this lyric?
"mungkin ini memang jalan takdirkudon't you really hate it when you start to like someone but you just can't do anything about it?
mengagumi tanpa di cintai
tak mengapa bagiku asal kau pun bahagia
dengan hidupmu"
you never believe let alone meeting someone you 'like', online! never happened to you before. but life is already strange enough though.
you never meet her. just pictures on a social networking site. but yet you feel you've known her a long time already. unique and different. she's friendly, intelligent, charming, cute, fun. such a sweet lady. she eases your suffering. she makes you smile. she makes you forget about your dark past *people thought you were crazy!*.. i think the right word is, she's amazing!
but it scares you so much. you're scared of the pain you'll get for liking someone that you can't get. another pain is the last thing you ever want again. you dream bout her but you are not her type! it's really hard enough to find someone that is 'compatible' with you but she just has no feelings for you. enough said.
that's why its better to shut our mouth and just.. enjoy everything as much as you can. you know.. before she.. disappear. sucks isn't it. but the thing is, shutting up is also painful, right?
but its better than making a fool out of yourself and scares her away.
furthermore she likes somebody else already. i mean who are you? she's an angel and you are the devil.
Yang Terakhir
i told a friend. if this is not working. then this would be my last.
no more trying. for a long time.
terima hakikat.
Aku = Loser
bloody loser.
why do i always did the wrong things?.. scared people away.
sometimes i don't know what to do with myself anymore. my only intention was just to cheer. but even that was a bad move :(
so sorry.
tried to do the right thing. tried not to sound like a jerk. but i blew it all away. stupid!.. i sucks at these kind of thing.
this is what you get when you are 'polluted'. what ever good your intentions are, you are bound to do mistakes. that mistakes will cost you dearly.
even when you are not the person you once was. even when you are trying hard to improve yourself to be a good person. i want to be good. i really do.
until i found that.. wait.. i am not allowed to search for it. because when ever i found them, i made mistakes again. so the right sentence is, until they are GIVEN to me.
i'm beginning to loose faith. i'm close to stop believing.
Chelsea Memang Best!
i am a happy man tonight. why? because i just watched chelsea won the f.a community shield!.. yeeeeeeeyyy!
Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together and winning is our aim
So cheer us on through the sun and rain
Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name.
-blue is the colour
as always, my heart beat so fast, it could pump my blood out through my eyes, nose and ears. final lah katakan. lawan man utd plak tuh. sape tak nerves beb..
and true enough the game was fantastic. that was what to aspect if you pitted two of the best epl team in a final match. unfortunately though man utd scored first *damn*. but not to worry! carvalho scored the equalizer. then it was lampard's turn to bask in the glory as he scored the second. but rooney made chelsea *and supporters* wait a little bit longer to celebrate when he made it 2-2.
i hate penalties! because chelsea has a reputation of failing *a lot* in the event of a shoot out. but it was not the case this time. and petr cech was brilliant! he stopped gigg and evra's shot and chelsea defeated man utd 4-1 on penalties.
what a great night it was and it still is! *still haven't sunk in from the win :D*

the photos were obtained from sky sports website. for more photos, please click here.
Labels: community shield , football
Percubaan Pertama
this photo was taken in melaka. using canon 40d. farid took this photo. so i took the initiative to edit it a bit.
not bad eh. at least for me. i think i'm falling in love. haha.. but not with people la. with photography..
but also an expensive love! because it cost thousands of ringgit malaysia just to make it as a hobby.. demmit!
but love is a strange thing right?.. we'll do anything for love.
love is a wonderful thing.. ;-)
Labels: on the road
Sepupu Wa Kawen..
these are a few photos of my cousin's wedding my sis sent me. i've had it in my possession for a while already but just so damn lazy to upload. so here they are.
the bride's name is Tris Santi (salau tak silap la.. hehe..) while the groom's name is.. err.. don't know la.. hehehe..
Labels: newly wed
Nak Jumpa Hang Tuah.. Punya Kampung
"hehehehey hang jebahat.."
"lebih baik kau turun.."
"kalau kau tak mo turun.."
"ko tunggu sampai aku datang.."
am going to melaka. can't wait. quite excited. never been there. in the city. attend a friend's wedding.
my parent also will be coming home from umrah today. can't catch them at the airport though. terkilan sket. but a promise has been made. have to keep going with the plan.
a good time to keep my mind off things. wish i could go further. like maybe england, korea or brazil. like my friends did. no, really, they actually went there. but i'll settle for melaka lah.
so melaka, don't you go anywhere. here i come!
Labels: on the road
Kebetulan Yang Memeritkan
WHY is it when some very significant event happened to me, it seems that nobody is around?
it always happened during which i needed companionship at the most. EVERYTIME!
a friend gone balik jb. the other one are on his way to a friend's wedding in sg. petani. these are the only two people that are 'accessible' to hang out with or just lepaking. but both are not available on the same day when i needed them the most!..
perfect coincidence right?.. yeah.. what a perfect coincidence.
enough said.
Satu lagi Episod Dalam Hidup Ku
the sadness is almost unbearable. i need to talk to some. i'm going crazy. it's already midnight. i need to talk to somebody. who am i going to call in the middle of the night?.. fuck!..
eventually i text my sister. not knowing who's picture i send her she called me back. then hell broke loose again. not my sister, but me..
kesian kakak. she tried her best to console me. she is the best sister ever.
i'm totally out and numb.
at this moment of time. sekarang ni, minit ni, saat ni.. aku really wish i have no feeling what so ever. aku wish aku ni seorang yang langsung takde perasaan. yang tak berperasaan. hati kering. hati keras. call it anything you want. kejam. jadi macam batu kayu besi dinding.
sebab kalau tak jadi macam sekarang ni. sedih, bercelaru, murung, lemah.. segala-galanya ada. aku dah tak boleh gambarkan.
sebenarnya this past week my mood was quite good. sampai aku sendiri terdesar eh, seems like aku happy je. aku tak fikir banyak. tengok final bola. dua-dua game menang. sampai aku kata mungkin Allah nak bagi aku happy. sampai macam tu sekali aku terasa my mood was pretty good. tapi di hati kecil aku bersyukur. dengan menaruh harapan dapat bertahan lama.
rupanya.. aku silap.. lagi..
aku risau kalau tetiba aku terasa happy. i'm really worried when things goes my way! because it seems.. not right. strange but true. and guess what. IT'S TRUE.
dah pukul 3:22 AM. aku nak keluar kejap kot.. hari dah malam. dah nak pagi subuh pun.
ish.. sedih nya aku. macam nana nak bagi hilang ah?.. macam mana?..
Bahaya Jadi Insomnia nih..
i was 2 hours short of NOT sleeping in 24 hours yesterday. still it was a worrying trend. i don't know. i just couldn't sleep!
actually, this was my 3rd time in a little more than 2 weeks i've been like this. the 2nd time i was awake was like for 25 hours. i think it was last monday.
ape dah jadik ngan aku nih?! gosh..
Labels: everyday
Selamat Hari Gawai 2009
gayu guru gerai nyamai. minum tuak.. mabuk kita.. yey!.. hehe..
i never knew what it meant. the minum tuak thing i just added it myself.
anyway, today is the 1st june 2009 and its gawai dayak day to most of dayak people in sarawak. i nearly forget about it. you know lah kan, unless you are in sarawak or you tune in to rtm, you'll tend to forget that there are two more festive holiday in malaysia. the other one would be pesta keamatan celebrated in sabah.
to all dayak people in malaysia, i wish you selamat hari gawai dayak. iboh minum tuak banyak gilak.. hehe..
have fun and happy holiday!
Labels: everyday
Chelsea Juara Piala F.A!
Chelsea Vs Everton
30th May 2009
Kick-off: 10:00 pm (Malaysian time)

"we are the champion, my friend.. jeng.. jeng..
and we'll keep on fighting 'till the end.. jeng jeng jeng.."
yup. that song by prince sum it up. chelsea is the F.A Cup champion! wooohooo!

finally. after a few years of absentees in the trophy cabinet department, chelsea achieved something this season. you could say it was just a consolation prize or whatever. but it's better than nothing right (sorry liverfool and assenal fans.. hehe..). i mean if your team is in second place BUT win nothing. i would certainly prefer third placing but won a cup.
strangely i was not that nervous watching the game just now. even when everton's louis saha scored the first goal in just 25 seconds! (an f.a cup record. damn..) maybe because i was confident of chelsea lifting the cup. and maybe chelsea still have 89 minutes to catch up.
i was the ONLY person that wore a chelsea shirt in the restaurant. well, i did have second thought because if chelsea loose then there's no place to hide. but i took my chances and boy did i made the right move. i stayed on watching even when the reataurant was nearly empty just to watch the cup final presentations, from players walking to the main stand to lift the cup until the champange bottle burst on the winner's stage on the field. marvellous!

i can sleep in peace tonight. hehe.. oh wish i was there at the stadium. soaking up the wonderful atmosphere. maybe someday.
Labels: football
Rekod Tak Tidur
i officially didn't sleep for more than 34-35 hours!
i don't know why. i just couldn't sleep. kids.. don't do this at home. or anywhere else for that matter. it's bad for your health.
Labels: everyday
Mata Masih Boleh Bertahan Ni..
it has been over 24 hours. i haven't sleep for more than 24 hours.
gosh.. i can't remember the last time i kept my eyes open this long.
went out around 8am. went home around 2:15pm. cuci pakaian. lipat pakaian. surfing jap. a bit sleepy la but not much.
it's a bit late to sleep now because if i do i might overshoot and miss the final HOME match. between chelsea and blackburn at stamford bridge at 11pm. also the last home game for guus hiddink as chelsea manager.
i'll try my best to stay awake. but already set my alarm clock incase i overslept.
i can do it!.. hopefully.. hehe..
Labels: everyday
Selamat Pagi Malaysia!
its 6:16 am. sunday morning. i can't get myself to sleep. it's sunday morning for God sake! people wake up late today.
i did try. well i'll just have to stay awake then. good morning everybody.
for those who are still having a beautiful dream right now, i wish your dream will come true. but for those having bad dreams, don't worry. it was just a dream. when you wake up, you'll soon realize everything was just the devil's act.
good morning again to all. just remember, loving and being loved is... all bullshit!! hahaha... just kidding. :-)
Labels: everyday
Mimpi Mainan Tidur
i had a dream yesterday. and still remember it quite well.
ironically just a few days back i read a q&a article about a dream this fellow had. the answer he get was:
"Mimpi adalah permainan tidur. Kebanyakan daripada mimpi ini berlaku hasil daripada khayalan, imaginasi manusia tentang sesuatu hal dan gambaran yang terdapat padanya sesuatu yang amat diingini atau ditakutinya... Jarang sangat yang berlaku dalam mimpi itu mewakili yang sah ataupun yang sebenar.
...Mimpi-mimpi yang benar ini adalah suatu yang amat jarang berlaku. Kadang-kadangnya dilihat sebagai benar, tetapi jika diteliti sebenarnya ia tidak."
the statement was by dato' dr. haron din.
maybe because of the unexpected message i received last week and all those memories rushing through my head like a waterfall.
thus, maybe the unexpected dream of her was some sort of a continuity of event triggered by something unexpected that maybe would last for some unspecified time. even when we thought a few days has gone by and we should be ok. oh how wrong i am.
i really hate dreams that connects you with your past. in my situation it makes me sadder. because it gives you false feelings.
dreams felt like somewhat real aren't they? i would rather not dream during my sleep. i want an 'empty' sleep. i sleep and then i wake up. nothing in between.
because even a so called happy dreams can make you suffer. suffering equals pain. pain equals sadness.
like dato' haron din said, dreams are rarely the truth. sometimes it felt like the real thing, but when we look closely, it actualy were not.
Labels: feel
Nama Pengadil Bongok
his name is TOM HENNING OVREBO. from norway.
this referee was a joke and a thief (spot on bosingwa). but i doubt it. he was no where near a petty thief. he was more like a robber!
i think he should got his ass kicked! damn u ovrebo.. you robbed me and all my fellow chelsea supporters a chance to watch our beloved team lifting the champions league cup!
felt want to smashed your bold head with my hot iron. let it stick on your head and feel the pain we all supporters have to endure. maybe for the rest of our lives.
for all chelsea supporters. remember that name and face. if somehow any of you came across him anywhere, you give him a solid big punch on the face and send my regards to him for being such a stupid fuck.
to mr tom fuck-ing ovrebo.. you called yourself a referee? it really eludes my sane mind that someone as useless incompetent dimwit crazy ass fuck like you could possibly be a uefa referee. let alone refereeing one very very important big game like err lets say, a champions league semi final match?!
you are a joke, a robber and a disgrace to football. you should be banned for life from football. or better yet, you should be banned from EVER touching even a ball!
Labels: champions league , football
Lagi 2 Minit Je!.. Aaaaaarrgghh!!!
so near but yet so far. shiiiiiiiiit.. chelsea was out of champion league final. they were leading 1-0 and suddenly iniesta scored the decisive goal and made it 1-1 for barca to get through to the final in rome because of the away goal rule.
i am so frustrated right now. this is one of those days. it was not meant to be. i mean 2 more minutes!.. 2 fucking minutes!.. felt like want to cry la.. waaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
amazing isn't it?... it was just football and the club is not even domestic. but when you like.. err, let me correct myself.. when you LOVE something, doesn't matter what it is or where it came from, it really gets in to you. and you gets in to them.
this is what love can do to you. it can make you fell like heaven and it also can rip your heart apart, stab it repeatedly over and over and over and over with a dagger, then crush it with your feet, jump on it up and down until it become itsy-bitsy tiny pieces finally burn it until it turns to ashes.
aku sedih nie. kecewa.. aku frust la!...
am i dreaming?.. no?.. is this for real? chelsea is not going to the final? say it isn't real!.. say it!!
i have to wait for another year ke?.. betul ke?!.. lame tu. betul ke?..
tidak.. ttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: champions league , football
Selamat Hari Buruh (Selamat Duit Aku.. Hehe..)
first and foremost, i would like to wish all labourer or working people in malaysia a merry happy labour day. it was yesterday so a bit late wishing you all.. sorry eh..
for those who are eligible to pay the income tax, congratulations for executing your responsibilities. you make your country and countrymen (and women) proud! because you people help maintain to keep the road of smaller holes, keep half the street lights bright and ofcourse the green coloured light from the traffic light still working.
and for those who forgot or make-make forgot.. err.. emm.. err.. just pray a lot la, ok.
hey.. i heard prison food not so bad what..
so why was my duit selamat yesterday?.. haaaaaa.... pada suatu petang. dalam perjalanan pulang dari jusco, wa dengan konfiden nye menunggang motor otomatik wa tanpa rasa gundah gulana.
buuuutt.. setelah sampai di suatu simpang dan wa ingin membelok ke kiri, wa dapati trafik telah jem. wa pun terfikir sejenak, "tak kan rodblok kot?"... sebab tak pernah ade rodblok time petang-petang kat lokasi tuh. mesti eksiden nih..
anyway.. jeng jeng jeng.. tetibe wa rase gundah gulana la plak. wa pun berenti parking kat tepi divider dan dengan segera cek rodtax wa (still tak tau rodblok ke eksiden). aaarrgghh!.. roadtax nowhere to be found.. fuck!
make a call to farid. konfem! die lupe nak bagi balik. damn!
so wa maju kan ke depan tengok pesal jem?.. konfem! rodblok JPJ.. whatta fuck!
ape lagi, wa pusing my motor atomatik patah balik ikut walkway tuh guna jalan belakang plak. setelah ikut jalan yang paling jauh dan siap macam penjenayah tengok line clear ke tak, wa berjaya sampai rumah dengan jayanye.. yey!
so wa terpakse tunggu farid balik dari kampung (yup, farid ada kat kampung nye kat nogori sombilan dengan rodtax wa). esok baru balik.
as for the time being naik bas la if want to go far-far.. shit!
still, syukur wa ke hadrat Illahi. selamat duit wa bayar saman.
Labels: everyday
Lahirnya Seorang Puteri
23 april. my mom messaged me at 00:35.
it was a baby girl! well, actually they knew it already. that's the beauty of technology. no element of surprise though.
kak ayu did a cesarean. this time the baby was in good health. infact she is quite heavy. i think around 3.3kg. aish was only 1.7kg but he's premature at that time.
so, now complete lah sepasang. a boy and a girl. i called kak ayu yesterday and she was fine. maybe she will be discharge tomorrow. still no name yet. my sis still working on it.
anyway, congratulations to my sis for her new born baby girl. siap la ko aish, you had your time and it is up. time to manjakan your little sis plak. muahaha..
to baby girl, welcome to the world. make your parent proud of you. don't let them down. i will always pray for your success. make no mistake, this world can be harsh. but i believe you are up to the challenge that awaits you.
hope to see you soon girl!
Labels: family
No. 26
do you know what this is?
ok. let me tell you. this was a jersey CLAIMED to be terry's. sounds like a bull right?.. well, i still can't believe it myself but maybe it's true.
so how in the hell did a jersey so precious (for all chelsea's kipas susah mati) ended up in a friend's house?
the story goes that my friend's housemate (also a chelsea fan) got it during the chelsea tour last year (i also went there too, click the chelsea fc asia tour tag) when terry throw his jersey to the crowd. so basically he was at the right place at the right time.
i just couldn't believe it! so if it was true, than i had officially touch (albeit not wearing it even i wanted to so badly) a real chelsea jersey that the captain wore during a match that i watched!
i mean, it meant a lot for a kipas susah mati like me tau. (alah.. all you jerks out there would also did or said the same thing if it's your team's shirt.. ngaku je lah..)
daaammnn!! dengki aku.. siot ar!.. i want that jersey! aaaarrrgghh!!
thinking of kidnapping it la.. hmm..
Labels: Chelsea FC Asia Tour 2008 , football
"4 Missed Call"
i have been staring at the screen for like eternity, thinking of what are the right words to start this post. and still don't have a clue.
i feel like writing something. i want to write something. i just don't know how to start.
today i felt quite sad actually. partly because i didn't answer a phone call. the irony was that i've been waiting haplessly for it and when it did finally rang, i was unaware of the blaring loud ringtone because i was in a deep fucking 'death' sleep (directly translated from tido mati). fuck! - that is what happen when you just starting to sleep during a time when other people are busy going to work.
the moment i woke up (and saw the missed call) my mood was nowhere to be found. so i started the day with the feeling of.. sadness.
only at somewhere around 5.30pm did i realize that i need to go out from my house. because i'm getting depressed.
i did some lepaking at kepong. managed to socialized with a few friends. clearing my mind of a few things.. for a while. when they started to go home around 8pm, well i should do the same.
on the way, thinking i don't want to pray in a rush i decided to stop by the mosque. i always admire the new kepong mosque. it is so modern and beautiful.and one thing about praying in a mosque is that the state of calmness you are in. it's so different with praying alone at the comfort of our room everyday.
after prayer i decided to stay for the Yasin recitation. considering tonight was malam jumaat. week in week out i had been reciting it alone in my room, so i guess maybe i need a little change once in a while.
and boy we could really feel the difference doesn't it? the atmosphere, circumstances, mood, situation makes us more calm, serene, down to earth. i think the right word is more "kusyuk".
the imam said doing jemaah or reciting in groups is always better than doing alone. also the chances of our doa being heard are higher than doing it alone. maybe its kind of a teamwork thing. well, you know the concept. don't need to explain in is really hard when we really miss something or someone. it really gets into you that sometime hopeless is like a best friend, depress is your food and you drink tears. damn!
i asked a lot from God just now (and everyday infact). family, myself, someone. maybe mine were the least listen to but who know. maybe.. just maybe.
i went back home after isyak. still feeling down but better than earlier. so to speak.
i logged on at around after 9pm just now and now its already 1.42am. took more than 4 hours just thinking of what to write. countless minutes of walking around and to many poison smoke inhaled already (i lost count).
hmm.. i think i should sign off for tonight. my eyes are getting tired and sore watching at the screen.
Ulang Tahun Perkahwinan Mak Ayah
years of marriage: 33 years.
this is no april fool. you fool.. hehe.. the marriage was fortunately and definitely true. it was not a hoax. i repeat.. not a hoax.
this is what we called love. it has been that long. why 1st of april? maybe a lot of people wonder. why this date?
well, maybe the date was convenient to them at that time. not sure. but i mean who cares. it's not our culture anyway. only fools celebrate april fool.. haha.. err.. no offense.
i called my father. i asked him what is your secret? he said " kalau salah say sorry". futhermore he said:
" selalu selawat. low profile and selalu usaha.".
he gave me some more advised about work or, more like, his experince in his early working days.
"ambik je mana-mana kerja. jadi security pun tak apa."
"dulu bapak jadi waiter. woih, teruk kerja tu. 24 hours.. shift.." etc etc..(he said something more. i can't remember)
it just shows me that i don't have to look far for an inspiration. an example of hardship, sacrife and the most inportant of all, the will to live.
happy anniversary mom & dad. i wish you all the happiness and hope that your love for each other will always stay strong. even untill the end of time.
may God bless both of you. Amin.
Labels: anniversary , family
Suasana Majlis Pertunangan Ajak & Linda
finally ajak gave me his engagement photos the other day upon my request. so here they are.
Labels: engagement , friends
Earth Hour 2009
What the hell was it all about?
well if you want to make a difference, it’s just a simple flick of a switch.
once upon a time, it all began with earth hour 2007. in sydney australia, on the last saturday in march 2007 2.2 million people turned off their lights. why? to show their support for a global mandate for action on climate change.
only a year later in 2008 and this event had become a global movement with up to 50 million people across 35 countries participating. also as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.(i read it somewhere in the internet)
so people across the world will turn off their lights and join together in creating the vital conversation about the future of our precious planet.
so during the darkness what should we do? so either you do nothing or you do "something" la. kan dah gelap tuh. buat la "aktiviti" sendiri. lagi mau tanya ka? aiyo..
as a citizen of mother earth, i proudly claimed that i also joined millions of other earth inhibitor yesterday in turning off the lights.
by going to a kenduri kawen after noon. then lepak rumah ayie. then lepak kat mamak.. hehehe.. (because i don't know what to do without electricity for 1 hour) arrived home around nearly 10pm.
even my housemate went out, somewhere. so when no one was at home, no lights were turn on. get it?.. even my family also participated in this noble cause (my mom told me last night). only the tv was on she said. ok la tu kan. even her neighbour support the campaign.
well done humans. cheers!
Labels: everyday
My Cousin's Akad Nikah
these are the photos of nor (my cousin) after the akad nikah ceremony. my other cousin send it to my mom and my mom send it to me.
guest where her husband came from?.. turkey. yup.. that far..
this world is shrinking don't you think?.. love is interracial and international nowadays.
the wedding reception will be held in august and my parent will attend it too (because i helped bought the flight ticket but using my dad's mastercard).
Labels: newly wed
Makan-makan Kat Rumah Ayie
sorry lah ayie. i know it was kind of late mentioning about the makan-makan at your house. even though it was like a few month back already. you know me.
so here are those moments that i managed to snapped.
the food was delicious bro. and abundant too. father in-law plak yang masak tuh. ape punya menantu. malu la wei.. hehehe.. kalau aku lah kan, essoook nye terus amik kelas belajar masak. muahaha!!...
lek bro. joking-joking eh..
kak anis ada, pak rem, ijad & awek ada. even azuan & wife & baby pun ade.

a baby girl by the name of melissa nur raisya was born to a proud parent of azuan and mimie. they live just a stone throw away from ayie's house. kira satu taman gak ar.
it was actually a house warming dinner. plus minus. they just moved in to the rented house so they did a sort of mini kenduri.
you know what, it was so worth it. i mean the house. untung betol. why? because it is a double-storey terrace house. with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. a huge living room. only like 15-20 minutes from kl. and the best part is, the rent is only rm450 per month! that's right. i was like, "are you serious? you have to be kidding me?" at first. well, you've got to see it to believe it.
actually it was like my idea of sort. and thanks to azuan also (he rented at the area first). because when he told me his house rent was only rm450/month i immediately told ayie (because he was looking for a house at that time).
with that price in kl? i think the best you can get is a flat with dirty elevator and lots and lots of foreigners (like my house.. hehe..).
Jom Pergi Seremban
you know what, even though seremban is like a stone throw away from klang valley (i mean not that too far la kan) i've never been to that city. infact the only place i have been to in negeri sembilan is port dickson. never the capital.
well, i'm proud to say, finally.. hehe.. but we were not there to jalan-jalan cari makan la. and its for like a few hours only-plus sesat. yup.. me and my two friends were in seremban for some business matter.
then we went back to kl and went to bukit bintang. also business matter. so alang-alang dah sampai, we did some jalan-jalan tengok orang.. hehe..
it has also been a while since i melawat bukit bintang. and i think i've stepped inside the pavillion shop mall for like only the 3rd time since.. as many years!.
even though the place is superbly magnificent but as a middle class malaysian citizen, the only thing i could afford is window shopping. and maybe some donuts at best.
Labels: everyday , friends , on the road
Abdul Razak Bertunang!
yey!.. finally.. ajak, i'm proud of you man!.. you are a step closer to marriage-hood dawg.
one more friend taking the next step. and today it was ajak's turn. his fiancee is also a friend of mine. ajak said maybe they will reside in kl.
"adil lah", ajak said. why? because ajak is from johor while linda is from kedah. "so dok kl je senang", ajak continued.
anyway, this is just a small step guys. much much more are waiting come december (what i was told).
so anyway, congratulation to both of you.
Labels: engagement , friends
Selamat Hari Jadi Kak Ayu
i have 2 kakak lah. and today is kak ayu's birthday!
ok. lets get it straight here. kak har's birthday was on 17th feb. dad's was on 19th march while kak ayu's birthday is today, 21th march.
so as you can see here, 3 birthdays in 2 month! boleh kering kontang wallet nih. all in the family je. yang wajib. that doesn't count friends lagi. mampoh kawe..
as usual i would like to wish my beloved sis a merry happy birthday!.. hehe.. semoga panjang umur dan di murah murah murah kan rezeki. i always pray for your happiness, you and your family.
she is also expecting her second child! aish will have a sis/bro (dunno yet) to bully la.. hehe..
anyway, love you so much and my prayers will always be with you.